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Winners and Results

2023 HiMCM Results

Download the complete himcm results report (pdf)

The Nine Outstanding Winners of the HiMCM are:

13643 Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy, Shanghai, China
13694 St. George's School, BC, Canada
13719 Nanjing Foreign Language School, Jiangsu, China
13904 Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School, Minghang, China
14076 Shanghai Pinghe School, Shanghai, China
14087 BASIS International School Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
14140 Shanghai Pinghe School, Shanghai, China
14323 Durham Academy, NC, USA (NCTM Award)
14632 Mass Academy of Math & Science, MA, USA (NCTM Award)

2023 MidMCM Results

Download the complete MidMCM results report (pdf)

The Two Outstanding Winners of the MidMCM are:

14255 BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA, USA
14749 Shanghai American School, Shanghai, China (NCTM Winner)

For additional contest information, contact COMAP at: himcm@comap.org

Click here to download your HiMCM/MidMCM certificate.


The Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) is pleased to announce the selection of the two teams moving on to represent the USA in the 10th annual International Mathematical Modeling Challenge, (IM2C). The teams were chosen from the 221 teams that represented the USA in the 2023 High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM)® and Middle Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MidMCM) contest.

Click here to download the IM2C results report.

The 2023 Outstanding HiMCM/MidMCM Papers Are Now Available

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